La editorial PalgraveMacMillan publica un libro en honor a Jesús Huerta de Soto: comparto un capítulo con destacados autores

La editorial Palgrave Macmillan anuncia la publicación de un libro en honor a Jesús Huerta de Soto en el que yo tengo el honor de publicar uno de los capítulos y compartir este trabajo con tantos destacados autores. Se titula “The Emergence of a Tradition: Essays in Honor of Jesús Huerta de Soto, Volume II; Philosophy and Political Economy, Editors: David Howden, Philipp Bagus:

Así lo presenta la editorial:

“Escrito por figuras destacadas dentro de la economía austriaca moderna que destacan la importancia continua de estas ideas. Discute la ética tanto en la economía como en la obra de Jesús Huerta de Soto. Destaca la influencia de Jesús Huerta de Soto en la actual generación de economistas austriacos. “


Jesús Huerta de Soto: An Appreciation; David Howden, Philipp Bagus

Society as a Creativity Process; Javier Aranzadi

Nation, Secession, and Freedom; Miguel Anxo Bastos Boubeta

William of Ockham: An Unknown Libertarian Philosopher; Lorenzo Bernaldo de Quirós

Defending Absolutist Libertarianism; Walter Block

The Political-Economic Views of Mont Pelerin Society Members and Other Promoters of a Free Economy in 1980; Alejandro Chafuen

Liberal Values Versus Envy; Jordi Franch Parella

A Chronicle of Liberal Thought in Spain: From Salamanca to Vienna Through Madrid; León M. Gómez Rivas

The State: Its Origin and Nature; David Gordon

Dynamic Efficiency and a Judgment-Based Approach to Entrepreneurship: An Integrated Thesis for Development Economics; William Hongsong Wang

The Ultra-Reactionary as a Radical Libertarian: Carl Ludwig von Haller (1768–1854) on the Private Law Society; Hans-Hermann Hoppe

A Catholic View of Order, Creativity, and Justice; Constanza Huerta de Soto, Ignacio Almará González

The Intellectual Error of Socialism in International Arbitration; Sonsoles Huerta de Soto

Ortega y Gasset and the Austrian Economists: A Missed Encounter; Lorenzo Infantino

The Devil by the Horns; Axel Kaiser

The Entrepreneur of Ideas: A Review of Some Literature; Martin Krause

The Case Against Moderate Socialism; Daniel Lacalle

Austrian Economists in Madrid; Cristóbal Matarán

Capitalism, Socialism, and the Neoclassical Trap; Javier Gerardo Milei

A Republican Defense of Anarchism; Juan Ramón Rallo

Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship; Adrián Ravier

The Ideal of a Just Society: The Transformation of “Distributive” Justice into “Distributional” Justice; Martin Rhonheimer

Intergenerational Solidarity, Welfare, and Human Ecology in Catholic Social Doctrine; Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela

Ethics and Dynamic Efficiency: A Thomistic Approach; David Sanz-Bas

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